Bad puede aplicarse a todo lo que es considerado censurable o reprensible, en cualquier grado o especie <the bad guys in a Western>. antonyms: good
Evil es un término más fuerte que bad y suele conllevar una connotación siniestra o funesta <he seemed to think that everyone he didn't like was evil>. antonyms: saintly
Ill puede indicar malevolencia o vicio <paid for his ill deeds>. antonyms: good
Wicked suele connotar malicia y malevolencia <a wicked villain in a children's story>.
Naughty se aplica ya sea a fechorías insignificantes, a malos modales o a algo frívolamente atrevido <looked up naughty words in the dictionary>.
Sinful implica la violación de una ley religiosa o moral <the nuns warned the children against sinful acts>.
Wrong implica que no es correcto o apropiado según un código o estándar <it was wrong not to thank your host>.
Ejemplos de uso de
•He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.
•you didn't do too bad on the treadmill test
lo malo
Ejemplos de uso de
•There's more good than bad in him.
•We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad.
•teaching children the difference between the good and the bad
•He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.